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Mendocino Herb Company

It all began in ’98 with the purchase of 10 off the grid acres in Mendocino County. Many hours were spent daydreaming, cloud watching, or stargazing in quiet contemplation while thinking about the future. Years went past and here we are in August 2015. After many patient years of waiting, a new company representing a glimpse into the Outdoor Lifestyle of Northern California comes forth.

Through art, vision, writing and design a variety of ideas will be conveyed and shared with you. Ideas like off the grid living, organic gardening, observing nature, creating art, or developing further spiritual consciousness could be discussed. Stories about outside sporting action like hiking, mountain biking, surfing, playing in rivers and on dirt roads, tending to the soil, or hippie redneck country stuff could be explored.

We will be paying special attention to history, by recognizing the cultural contributions of the outdoor organic marijuana growers who are helping to create the new state of mind emerging all around us. 
The time is right. So check us out. Welcome to the Mendocino Herb Company. This is just the beginning.